Please use our email to contact us. We meet regularly online.
Sunday Zoom Service is at 11 AM CST

Khenpo Gawang Rinpoche
Leads and teaches all sessions and classes.

If you have questions you would like him to address or if someone becomes ill and wants to be included in his daily prayers, please email:

Link for all Zoom Meetings:

We do not meet in-person every week. Please check back here or join our email list to be kept up to date.
Wrong Answer


3921 Frayser Raleigh Rd., Memphis, TN 38128

We are located between the red roofed Vietnamese Buddhist Temple complex with the red brick and iron fencing and the Breath of Life Church.

Look for a wooden fence and turn in the driveway. Park in the lot, walk up to the small yellow building and come in the middle door with the concrete accessibility ramp.

If your GPS doesn't recognized the address try 3921 Raleigh Frayser Rd. or 3921 Hawkins Mill Rd. It is a continuation of Yale Rd. going North.
